What was a cunning plan from Lord Edmund Blackadder V to fake a time machine on his gullibly incompetent friends, turns out to be the real thing and hurls him and his imbecile underling, Baldrick, through the course of human history.
Rowan Atkinson (Acting)
Tony Robinson (Acting)
Stephen Fry (Acting)
Hugh Laurie (Acting)
Tim McInnerny (Acting)
Miranda Richardson (Acting)
Patsy Byrne (Acting)
Colin Firth (Acting)
Rik Mayall (Acting)
Kate Moss (Acting)
Simon Russell Beale (Acting)
Jennie Bond (Acting)
Sacha Bennett (Directing)
Kevin Hudson (Acting)
Amanda Jane Manning (Acting)
Margaret Thatcher (Acting)
16 September 1992
19 February 2015
26 January 1970
19 April 1991
7 September 2004
23 December 1988
28 February 2022
20 March 1986
16 April 2014
13 June 1989
30 November 1989
9 February 1976
23 September 1994
25 May 1983
18 November 1997
22 November 2000
19 December 1971
3 July 1985
16 July 2008
30 May 2019
29 March 1999