A young Italian worker, persuaded by his friend to take on a one-off 'nightwatchman' job for easy money, finds the reality is more macabre -- and complex -- than he expected.
Giovanna Mezzogiorno (Acting)
Massimo De Santis (Acting)
Alessandro Roja (Acting)
Susy Laude (Acting)
Emanuela Galliussi (Acting)
Chiara Martegiani (Acting)
Marcello Mazzarella (Acting)
Guido Caprino (Acting)
Giorgio Colangeli (Acting)
Gianni Lillo (Acting)
Eleonora Mazzoni (Acting)
Alessandra Muccioli (Acting)
Filippo Sandon (Acting)
27 May 2011
17 October 2013
10 October 2008
13 June 2022
6 November 1999
23 December 2013
1 September 2021
1 July 1984
1 January 1975
25 June 1989
6 September 2012
25 September 1990
13 November 2015
2 January 1984
3 March 2023
30 June 2011
24 October 2019
26 June 2021
19 October 2008