David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life.
Daniel Brühl (Acting)
Hannah Herzsprung (Acting)
Henry Hübchen (Acting)
Kirsten Block (Acting)
Anna Maria Mühe (Acting)
Marie Gruber (Acting)
Katharina Schüttler (Acting)
Godehard Giese (Acting)
Torsten Michaelis (Acting)
Oliver Bröcker (Acting)
Alexander Khuon (Acting)
Henriette Müller (Acting)
Stefan Ruppe (Acting)
Simon Eckert (Acting)
Richard Sammel (Acting)
Peter Schneider (Acting)
Eva Löbau (Acting)
Albrecht Schuch (Acting)
20 October 1995
23 June 1994
16 February 2018
16 October 2014
16 May 2012
6 October 1961
30 March 1999
21 July 1989
29 June 2006
29 July 2011
17 July 2009
1 June 2009
16 November 2012
7 September 2003
5 December 2007
22 November 2010
15 October 2015
13 April 2001
11 February 2005
1 June 2007
17 December 2009