An orphan bear cub hooks up with an adult male as they try to dodge human hunters.
Tchéky Karyo (Acting)
Jack Wallace (Acting)
André Lacombe (Acting)
Bart the Bear (Acting)
Youk the Bear (Acting)
3 May 2019
12 December 2018
19 February 2020
17 September 2008
28 June 1948
27 May 2021
10 January 2019
2 August 2018
15 February 2007
2 June 1995
22 November 2011
26 June 2015
15 December 2021
7 April 2004
12 July 2019
17 February 2006
16 October 2013
16 July 1993
23 December 1994
19 July 1995
21 October 1988