They call it the savage mountain. 27 people have perished trying to reach the summit on K2, the world's second highest peak. A U.S. climbing team, funded by millionaire Clairborne is determined to conquer K2.
Michael Biehn (Acting)
Matt Craven (Acting)
Blu Mankuma (Acting)
Elena Wohl (Acting)
Julia Nickson (Acting)
Leslie Carlson (Acting)
David Cubitt (Acting)
Luca Bercovici (Acting)
Hiroshi Fujioka (Acting)
Patricia Charbonneau (Acting)
Raymond J. Barry (Acting)
Kehli O'Byrne (Acting)
Lillian Carlson (Acting)
29 June 2018
15 November 1985
23 May 1973
26 January 2012
23 June 2006
3 September 2007
29 June 2000
13 February 1999
2 April 2004
15 March 1996
10 May 2012
7 February 1997
17 December 2008
3 July 1954
17 December 2004
10 May 2006
11 March 1977
10 July 2007
25 April 2011
27 September 2005
10 October 1991