An unsuspecting flower farmer visits the hospital to discuss some test results, only to find himself admitted without explanation for an indefinite period of further examination and observation.
Frank Groothof (Acting)
Marja Kok (Acting)
Joop Admiraal (Acting)
Helmert Woudenberg (Acting)
Olga Zuiderhoek (Acting)
Shireen Strooker (Acting)
Gerard Thoolen (Acting)
Ivan Wolffers (Acting)
19 August 2008
5 May 2015
19 March 1972
17 December 1972
25 November 2015
11 October 2023
20 May 2004
12 December 2016
1 January 2001
16 February 2015
14 September 2010
5 April 2009
22 June 2001
30 August 2011
26 May 2000
1 July 1975
11 February 2016
19 August 2003
1 April 2001
11 January 1979