In 1915 a man survives the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, but loses his family, speech and faith. One night he learns that his twin daughters may be alive, and goes on a quest to find them.
Tahar Rahim (Acting)
Simon Abkarian (Acting)
Makram J. Khoury (Acting)
Hindi Zahra (Acting)
Kevork Malikyan (Acting)
Bartu Küçükçağlayan (Acting)
Trine Dyrholm (Acting)
Moritz Bleibtreu (Acting)
Arsinée Khanjian (Acting)
Akin Gazi (Acting)
George Georgiou (Acting)
Numan Acar (Acting)
Anna Savva (Acting)
Lara Heller (Acting)
Joel Jackshaw (Acting)
Grace Dove (Acting)
Michael S. Ruscheinsky (Acting)
Katerina Poladjan (Acting)
John Keogh (Acting)
Dustin MacDougall (Acting)
Rozet Hubeş (Acting)
Önder Çakar (Writing)
Aysan Sümercan (Acting)
Çiğdem Aksüt (Acting)
Feridun Koç (Acting)
11 November 2015
9 April 2015
15 November 2019
13 February 2009
9 February 2014
25 September 2018
5 October 2016
1 September 2000
17 May 2013
21 June 2006
3 October 2013
13 February 1972
13 October 2017
18 January 2017
27 February 2009
7 June 1983
30 June 2006
7 September 1997
22 September 2006
23 May 1997
16 October 2014