A handsome young master at a boys school incurs the jealousy of an embittered colleague. From the novel by Hugh Walpole.
Marius Goring (Acting)
David Farrar (Acting)
Greta Gynt (Acting)
Raymond Huntley (Acting)
Edward Chapman (Acting)
Mary Jerrold (Acting)
Ralph Truman (Acting)
Finlay Currie (Acting)
Viola Lyel (Acting)
Howard Douglas (Acting)
Johnnie Schofield (Acting)
8 June 1958
30 May 1947
20 April 2011
20 October 2010
13 November 2002
15 April 2019
10 December 2013
28 August 2011
1 August 1986
15 May 2011
11 December 2013
19 December 2003
9 November 2001
24 October 2005
30 May 2012
16 June 2010
2 April 2009
24 October 2014
20 March 2015
30 April 2014
27 September 1948