Four close friends descend into the depths of a cave, looking for a lost treasure, ignoring that this will wake the fury of the Guardian the devourer, who will eat their souls until they destroy each other.
Philip Willingham (Acting)
Manuel Uriza (Acting)
Iván Arana (Acting)
Iazua Larios (Acting)
4 September 2015
1 May 2007
30 October 1999
23 June 2012
16 November 2016
25 June 2015
18 November 2009
6 March 2019
23 June 2010
27 April 2016
26 October 2015
2 October 2017
8 July 2010
15 December 1995
24 May 2006
21 April 2011
23 May 2012
9 October 2013
30 April 2008
2 December 2010
17 April 2015