A peculiar neighbor offers hope to a recent widow who is struggling to raise a teenager who is unpredictable and, sometimes, violent.
Anne Dorval (Acting)
Suzanne Clément (Acting)
Antoine Olivier Pilon (Acting)
Patrick Huard (Acting)
Alexandre Goyette (Acting)
Michèle Lituac (Acting)
Viviane Pacal (Acting)
Natalie Hamel-Roy (Acting)
Isabelle Nélisse (Acting)
Ted Pluviose (Acting)
Pierre-Yves Cardinal (Acting)
Reda Guerinik (Acting)
Justin Laramée (Acting)
Sabrina Bisson (Acting)
Huguette Gervais (Acting)
Vincent Fafard (Acting)
Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard (Acting)
Dominic Desnoyers (Acting)
Guenièvre Sandré (Acting)
Isabeau Blanche (Acting)
Catherine Brunet (Acting)
Michael Rudder (Acting)
Robin-Joël Cool (Acting)
Guillaume Laurin (Acting)
Mathieu Dufresne (Acting)
Stéphane Julien (Acting)
Julie De Lafrenière (Acting)
Sylvie Lemay (Acting)
Danielle Lepine (Acting)
Jeanne Roux-Coté (Acting)
Rosalie Fortier (Acting)
Steven Chevrin (Acting)
Pierre-François Bouffard (Acting)
26 August 2016
29 September 2010
5 June 2009
18 May 2012
16 April 2014
2 April 2014
21 October 2015
3 November 1953
17 June 2015
7 August 2014
22 October 2014
25 May 2014
15 December 1990
3 September 2014
13 May 2015
8 March 2017
29 August 2014
21 April 2000
24 September 2014
21 May 2014
19 September 2014