The accidental unearthing of Satan’s earthly remains causes the children of a 17th-century English village to slowly convert into a coven of devil worshipers.
Patrick Wymark (Acting)
Linda Hayden (Acting)
Barry Andrews (Acting)
Michele Dotrice (Acting)
Wendy Padbury (Acting)
Anthony Ainley (Acting)
Charlotte Mitchell (Acting)
Tamara Ustinov (Acting)
Simon Williams (Acting)
James Hayter (Acting)
Howard Goorney (Acting)
Avice Landone (Acting)
Roberta Tovey (Acting)
Robin Davies (Acting)
Geoffrey Hughes (Acting)
Anna Wing (Acting)
Godfrey James (Acting)
Milton Reid (Acting)
10 February 1989
23 February 1965
18 October 1964
29 December 1993
16 March 2020
13 January 2007
18 August 1971
9 October 1997
22 August 1981
5 August 1972
12 February 1967
24 August 2018
15 February 1972
16 October 1970
14 August 1992
25 November 1984
13 January 1995
25 January 2002
22 September 1995
17 August 1973
28 January 1971