Poor Dionisio finds himself as recipient of the good fortune, but soon he forgets that everything that goes up also has to go down, and that in the depressing nothingness of his town it is easy to die.
Ernesto Gómez Cruz (Acting)
Blanca Guerra (Acting)
Alejandro Parodi (Acting)
Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez (Acting)
Socorro Avelar (Acting)
Juan Antonio Llanes (Acting)
Carlos Cardán (Acting)
Jorge Fegán (Acting)
Alfonso Godínez (Art)
Alberto Estrella (Acting)
Ignacio Retes (Acting)
Eduardo López Rojas (Acting)
Ernesto Yáñez (Acting)
Margarita Sanz (Acting)
Luisa Huertas (Acting)
Carlos Chávez (Acting)
Abel Woolrich (Acting)
Leonor Llausás (Acting)
Wolf Ruvinskis (Acting)
26 November 2013
5 October 2001
2 August 2009
22 November 2011
24 July 1998
26 March 2010
22 September 1995
14 March 1972
15 December 1993
9 December 1983
23 June 1994
15 July 2010
10 June 2010
14 February 1991
13 July 2000
31 May 2004
11 October 2000
4 May 2000
7 October 1962
29 July 2011
28 November 1986