Documentary about Brazilian history, from 1945 until the 70s, focusing on president Juscelino Kubitschek, his political rise, his philosophy of economical development, his gigantic project ...
Othon Bastos (Acting)
22 September 2020
3 November 2013
2 September 1949
3 September 1952
1 March 2002
4 June 1969
18 March 1960
15 December 1965
15 July 1966
9 February 2004
15 September 1989
31 August 2018
4 August 1994
3 December 1986
13 May 1995
25 October 1996
16 December 1987
24 January 1979
22 December 1995
25 June 1937
1 January 1980