A despairing clown suffering a broken heart and a self-indulgent count who uncontrollably laughs learn to help each other with their problems, but both fall in love with the same young woman.
Lon Chaney (Acting)
Bernard Siegel (Acting)
Loretta Young (Acting)
Cissy Fitzgerald (Acting)
Nils Asther (Acting)
Gwen Lee (Acting)
Robert Brower (Acting)
Betsy Ann Hisle (Acting)
Emmett King (Acting)
Carl M. Leviness (Acting)
Mickey McBan (Acting)
1 June 1955
9 September 1937
29 February 1968
20 June 1975
17 October 2006
22 June 1988
9 December 1983
3 July 1985
17 July 2009
15 December 1993
25 May 1979
22 September 1995
29 July 2011
10 April 1957
22 November 1989
19 July 2023
4 June 1998
2 September 1992
14 March 1972
28 September 2019
14 April 1928