Robert Tisdall finds on the beach the corpse of a woman he knew. Others wrongly conclude that he is the murderer. Fleeing, he desperately attempts to prove that he is not the killer. A young woman becomes embroiled in the effort.
Nova Pilbeam (Acting)
Derrick De Marney (Acting)
Percy Marmont (Acting)
Edward Rigby (Acting)
Mary Clare (Acting)
John Longden (Acting)
George Curzon (Acting)
Basil Radford (Acting)
George Merritt (Acting)
J.H. Roberts (Acting)
Jerry Verno (Acting)
Alfred Hitchcock (Directing)
Anna Konstam (Acting)
Bill Shine (Acting)
Peggy Simpson (Acting)
Torin Thatcher (Acting)
28 May 1958
21 August 1946
29 June 2022
5 September 1947
14 November 1941
7 March 2013
23 August 1991
19 November 2009
29 July 1952
18 March 1946
28 October 1954
26 August 2022
3 December 2010
31 May 1936
11 September 2010
19 August 1994
4 May 1979
8 August 2017
9 June 2005
1 December 1993
1 November 1937