Consisting of two segments, the film is centered on two great Israelite leaders found in the Book of Judges.
Rosalba Neri (Acting)
Ivo Garrani (Acting)
Fernando Rey (Acting)
Luz Márquez (Acting)
Paolo Gozlino (Acting)
Maruchi Fresno (Acting)
Giorgio Cerioni (Acting)
Piero Gerlini (Acting)
Lucio De Santis (Acting)
Sergio Ammirata (Acting)
Barta Barri (Acting)
José Jaspe (Acting)
Consalvo Dell'Arti (Acting)
Beni Deus (Acting)
Mirko Ellis (Acting)
Pepe Martín (Acting)
15 July 2008
12 June 1981
9 October 1986
16 July 1943
20 January 1977
29 March 2015
14 December 2022
23 June 1955
2 November 2012
1 January 2009
29 September 1995
31 October 2004
4 November 1964
30 December 1961
7 May 1989
29 January 2006
16 July 1987
3 December 2015
1 September 2008
1 January 1965