A group of college kids hired to help open an aviation museum on a closed U.S. military airbase accidentally unearth an ancient artifact which unleashes an evil spirit whom possesses them one by one making the host kill off the rest.
Billy Drago (Acting)
Debbie Rochon (Acting)
Caitlin Sabins (Acting)
Melanie Rademaker (Acting)
5 December 2020
27 February 2018
7 October 2016
12 March 1994
31 March 2017
29 November 2018
28 January 1961
11 January 1963
2 November 2018
20 December 1969
13 October 2016
9 July 1988
19 August 2016
18 June 2021
12 June 2014
1 March 2019
1 January 2009
30 September 2017
1 October 2018
7 August 2015
7 July 2005