A distinguished surgeon, married to a beautiful woman, has the habit of watching his wife in secret. The man decides to grant his wife to the owner of a refined brothel to be able to observe her from behind a mirror.
Jenny Tamburi (Acting)
Marino Masé (Acting)
Sebastiano Somma (Acting)
Laura Gemser (Acting)
Aldina Martano (Acting)
Lilli Carati (Acting)
9 April 1993
30 October 2020
6 March 1998
14 March 1972
5 November 2014
19 December 1971
16 November 2016
14 January 2016
22 November 2000
3 October 2018
8 March 1996
18 July 2013
4 October 2006
1 June 2016
19 January 2017
25 December 2015
23 March 2016
28 June 2017
19 November 1975
15 December 2021
28 February 1986