9 British actors arrive in the far north of Norway to act the Ibsen play "Lady From The Sea". They have never been in Norway before and have no idea that the sun won't set for the next month.
Sam Heughan (Acting)
Laura Donnelly (Acting)
James Bachman (Acting)
Matt Ryan (Acting)
Michael Colgan (Acting)
Rosie Day (Acting)
Daisy Head (Acting)
John Hodgkinson (Acting)
Richard Lumsden (Acting)
Dominic Mafham (Acting)
12 March 2016
29 May 2015
26 June 2017
20 December 1974
19 December 1971
1 December 2017
22 November 2000
1 June 2016
20 March 2014
1 December 2016
15 September 2021
23 September 1994
17 November 2000
24 November 2016
6 June 2001
23 March 2016
25 June 1982
29 March 2017
29 July 1994
16 November 2016
30 May 2014