A sadistic count tortures and murders his unfaithful wife and her lover, then removes their hearts from their bodies. Years later, the count remarries and the new wife experiences nightmares and hauntings.
Barbara Steele (Acting)
Paul Müller (Acting)
Helga Liné (Acting)
Marino Masé (Acting)
Giuseppe Addobbati (Acting)
Rik Battaglia (Acting)
16 December 1983
15 August 2005
5 May 1995
1 August 1962
16 November 1961
15 February 2006
23 June 1965
2 February 2007
30 October 1999
12 December 2007
5 November 2003
2 October 2017
14 August 2020
13 July 2005
26 September 2017
10 November 2004
16 April 2004
23 October 2008
22 February 1950
21 August 2019
20 August 1965