Juhani Haavisto returns to his childhood home from the seas and is confronted by his wheelchair-bound, demented father Eino and the traumas of sexual abuse and violence he experienced as a child.
Hannu Kivioja (Acting)
Martti Katajisto (Acting)
Matti Onnismaa (Acting)
25 October 1944
16 October 2015
11 July 2003
15 June 2020
23 October 2014
10 November 1978
3 September 1980
10 October 1958
14 November 2012
10 February 1965
20 December 1969
12 June 2024
3 September 2020
7 July 2000
12 July 2023
3 November 2023
5 July 2023
20 August 1981
24 December 2021
22 October 1993