Ursus and his sword-wielding companions run head-on against a usurper of a throne.
Sergio Ciani (Acting)
Mimmo Palmara (Acting)
Rosalba Neri (Acting)
Carlo Tamberlani (Acting)
Gianni Rizzo (Acting)
Vassili Karis (Acting)
Nello Pazzafini (Acting)
Enzo Maggio (Acting)
Arnaldo Dell'Acqua (Acting)
Giuseppe Mattei (Acting)
Orchidea De Santis (Acting)
Lisa Gastoni (Acting)
Enzo Doria (Production)
Franco Ukmar (Acting)
16 November 2015
2 September 2008
25 December 2017
1 May 2018
20 July 2018
4 July 2020
27 September 2003
26 February 2008
29 January 2015
26 January 2019
25 January 2010
4 October 2005
13 September 2012
24 April 2019
16 August 2018
22 April 2015
17 September 2007
30 September 2001
2 October 2020
7 July 2021
26 November 1964