While staying at a remote cabin for a week-long vacation, a group of five college friends succumb to an infectious, flesh-eating disease.
Teresa Decher (Acting)
Samuel Davis (Acting)
Nadine Crocker (Acting)
Dustin Ingram (Acting)
Gage Golightly (Acting)
Tim Zajaros (Production)
Matthew Daddario (Acting)
Randy Schulman (Acting)
George Griffith (Acting)
Louise Linton (Acting)
Laura Kenny (Acting)
Jason Rouse (Acting)
Eli Roth (Directing)
11 August 2009
17 April 2017
7 October 2003
26 November 2015
30 April 2024
6 June 2012
2 April 1996
25 July 2013
20 May 2016
9 October 2015
12 October 2019
3 June 2016
20 January 2008
13 May 2016
15 August 2003
29 July 2015
5 February 2014
6 September 2008
31 December 2015
2 October 2014
12 February 2016