Years after being disqualified in a big fight and leaving the country in disgrace, an Argentinean boxer returns to restore his honor and reunite with the young son he has never met.
Mariano Martínez (Acting)
Federico Amador (Acting)
Agustina Lecouna (Acting)
Mauricio Dayub (Acting)
Mariano Argento (Acting)
Victorio D'Alessandro (Acting)
Emilio Disi (Acting)
Lali Espósito (Acting)
Osvaldo Príncipi (Acting)
22 January 2016
23 November 2020
6 July 1956
31 March 2008
1 March 1909
31 March 2023
24 April 2009
23 November 2019
11 November 2011
18 September 1998
18 October 1998
20 August 2021
30 December 2015
30 October 2020
5 September 2020
17 May 2006
6 September 2012