In late eighties, in Ceausescu's Romania, a black market VHS bootlegger and a courageous female translator brought the magic of Western films to the Romanian people and sowed the seeds of a revolution.
Constantin Fugașin (Acting)
Ioan Gyuri Pascu (Acting)
Nehat Memeti (Acting)
Doru Ana (Acting)
Marius Chivu (Acting)
Ana Maria Moldovan (Acting)
Dan Chiorean (Acting)
Elena Ivanca (Acting)
Catalin Herlo (Acting)
Attila Veres (Writing)
Nicu Mihoc (Acting)
Csaba Marosán (Acting)
Levente Molnár (Acting)
Nicolae Ceaușescu (Acting)
26 August 2015
13 July 2012
7 July 2007
15 March 2017
20 November 2015
23 June 2016
23 October 2019
10 March 2016
17 August 2018
29 May 2013
23 March 2016
19 December 1971
22 November 2000
23 September 1994
14 January 2016
14 March 1972
1 December 2016
8 March 1996
1 June 2016
5 November 2014
12 November 2015