An Irish rogue uses his cunning and wit to work his way up the social classes of 18th century England, transforming himself from the humble Redmond Barry into the noble Barry Lyndon.
Ryan O'Neal (Acting)
Marisa Berenson (Acting)
Patrick Magee (Acting)
Hardy Krüger (Acting)
Steven Berkoff (Acting)
Gay Hamilton (Acting)
Marie Kean (Acting)
Diana Körner (Acting)
Murray Melvin (Acting)
Frank Middlemass (Acting)
Leon Vitali (Acting)
Godfrey Quigley (Acting)
Leonard Rossiter (Acting)
Philip Stone (Acting)
André Morell (Acting)
Billy Boyle (Acting)
Jonathan Cecil (Acting)
Peter Cellier (Acting)
Geoffrey Chater (Acting)
Anthony Dawes (Acting)
Bernard Hepton (Acting)
Barry Jackson (Acting)
Wolf Kahler (Acting)
Pat Laffan (Acting)
Hans Meyer (Acting)
Ferdy Mayne (Acting)
Liam Redmond (Acting)
Pat Roach (Acting)
Dominic Savage (Directing)
Frederick Schiller (Acting)
George Sewell (Acting)
Anthony Sharp (Acting)
John Sharp (Acting)
Michael Hordern (Acting)
John Sullivan (Acting)
Harry Towb (Acting)
Vivian Kubrick (Acting)
26 May 1994
12 October 1957
15 December 1939
14 September 2018
25 December 1946
22 December 1965
2 April 2015
8 December 1982
27 October 2004
13 September 2012
28 August 1953
12 March 2015
17 September 1980
14 November 1996
3 May 2019
4 February 2010
3 April 1974
19 February 2017
1 March 2019
18 April 2001
18 December 1975