A pushy, narcissistic filmmaker persuades a Phoenix family to let him and his crew film their everyday lives, in the manner of the ground-breaking PBS series "An American Family".
Albert Brooks (Acting)
Charles Grodin (Acting)
Frances Lee McCain (Acting)
Dick Haymes (Acting)
J.A. Preston (Acting)
Mort Lindsey (Sound)
James Ritz (Acting)
James L. Brooks (Production)
Thelma Leeds (Acting)
Johnny Haymer (Acting)
David Spielberg (Acting)
Julie Payne (Acting)
Norman Bartold (Acting)
Harry Shearer (Acting)
19 January 2002
23 August 2002
11 June 1922
5 July 2014
5 February 2009
25 December 1996
24 March 1939
17 January 1978
22 September 2015
23 September 1994
3 October 2018
25 April 2001
16 February 1957
29 January 2021
19 April 1977
18 October 2019
1 December 2016
17 October 2014
1 June 2016
23 September 2021
2 March 1979