And suddenly, overnight, the world came to a halt. Two men, two survivors, one kid, and hatred that separates them. A place forgotten by everyone, including the creatures that inhabit the Earth... until now.
Matthew Fox (Acting)
Jeffrey Donovan (Acting)
Quinn McColgan (Acting)
Valeria Vereau (Acting)
Clara Lago (Acting)
Matt Devere (Acting)
Lili Bordán (Acting)
Alex Hafner (Acting)
Jeremy Wheeler (Acting)
Julio Perillán (Acting)
25 May 1979
3 November 1933
5 February 1956
15 August 1986
28 December 2022
20 December 1978
1 July 1989
14 January 1981
28 March 1979
22 February 2018
10 October 1975
10 September 1958
18 June 2005
25 May 2022
5 March 1992
10 February 1989
12 September 2014
9 November 2001
22 July 1959
7 August 2015