Calino goes politely around to three or four people from the bourgeois class, trying to sell them a lightning rod: but due to a factory defect, the apparatus attracts lightning instead of driving it away.
Gaston Modot (Acting)
29 June 1972
6 April 2008
25 October 2007
8 July 2007
1 June 2013
1 January 2010
22 June 1990
12 April 1989
23 November 2011
19 June 2015
21 December 1990
28 August 1992
20 August 2014
13 June 2019
30 August 1991
16 October 2007
17 March 1988
30 April 1954
13 April 1984
31 October 2014
10 June 1912