To salvage his job and the circulation of his magazine, an editor decides to publish an expose revealing the inside story of the famed cheerleading squad and plants his reporter/girlfriend among the girls.
Jane Seymour (Acting)
Laraine Stephens (Acting)
Bert Convy (Acting)
Pamela Susan Shoop (Acting)
Ellen Bry (Acting)
Kathrine Baumann (Acting)
Lauren Tewes (Acting)
Irma P. Hall (Acting)
1 March 1973
23 December 1979
1 November 1983
14 June 1985
31 August 2007
14 December 1984
19 August 2016
13 May 1961
11 June 2002
2 August 2012
30 December 2017
25 October 1991
30 May 2019
9 March 1989
29 December 1933
28 April 1968
23 February 2024
1 October 1923
28 April 1955
1 October 2007
14 January 1979