A workaholic couple winds up hospitalized in the same room, presenting a chance for them to spend quality time together and testing their relationship.
Dian Sastrowardoyo (Acting)
Lukman Sardi (Acting)
Verdi Solaiman (Acting)
Ari Wibowo (Acting)
Indra Birowo (Acting)
Baby Margaretha (Acting)
Dahlia Poland (Acting)
Fandy Christian (Acting)
Minati Atmanegara (Acting)
Aline Adita (Acting)
Henky Solaiman (Acting)
5 July 2016
18 November 1997
5 June 2003
18 December 2001
14 May 2015
13 November 2002
3 July 1985
14 January 1938
16 November 2001
27 June 2013
21 July 2010
21 July 2011
7 May 2008
25 June 2015
21 August 2014
8 July 2007
25 May 2011
4 May 2022
21 June 1989
30 May 2003
27 November 2014