Juhani, a welder and Ritva, a right-wing backgrounded, future clerk get married. Soon we see that their marriage seems to be all about long business trips, housing problems, concerns about the money and political disagreements.
Elina Salo (Acting)
Titta Karakorpi (Acting)
Pentti Irjala (Acting)
Irma Seikkula (Acting)
Marja Korhonen (Acting)
Kullervo Kalske (Acting)
26 May 2014
3 March 2001
13 May 2021
26 October 1956
1 March 2019
2 April 1981
10 October 2021
16 October 2007
23 October 1995
1 January 1967
7 September 2004
3 March 2023
14 July 2023
27 March 2015
30 September 2005
9 March 1967
26 February 1967