A woman finds a VHS tape on her doorstep that shows a series of gruesome tales that could be real. But the true danger is the pumpkin-faced killer that's using the tape to find his next victim.
Griffin Gluck (Acting)
Helen Rogers (Acting)
Emily Alatalo (Acting)
Angela Besharah (Acting)
Julian Richings (Acting)
Anthony Backman (Acting)
Renee Intlekofer (Acting)
Bill Oberst Jr. (Acting)
Jonathan Nation (Acting)
Kalie Acheson (Art)
Christie Lynn Smith (Acting)
Brian Majestic (Acting)
Sergio Berón (Acting)
Pilar Boyle (Acting)
Drew Davis (Acting)
Brendan Heard (Acting)
Jake Goodman (Acting)
Adrian G. Griffiths (Acting)
Ali Adatia (Acting)
Andy Dylan (Acting)
26 December 1973
28 March 1963
1 February 1977
9 November 1984
10 September 1981
1 October 1974
4 June 1982
9 November 1988
17 March 2000
28 October 2005
5 April 2013
8 September 2013
9 May 1980
17 January 2013
21 May 2003
15 August 2003
6 January 2006
2 October 2014
11 February 2009
24 October 2014
6 October 2015