A small town in the first year of the war. A story about young seamstress, a student, a traitor and two Czech artists, their joining the partisans. All of them die and girl stays alone. She's looking for a bicycle bell that is gone...
Milena Dravić (Acting)
Milosav 'Mija' Aleksić (Acting)
Miodrag Petrović 'Čkalja' (Acting)
Ljubiša Samardžić (Acting)
Božidar Stošić (Acting)
Jelisaveta 'Seka' Sablić (Acting)
Rade Marković (Acting)
Dragomir Čumić (Acting)
Dušan Janićijević (Acting)
Predrag 'Preža' Milinković (Acting)
Irena Prosen (Acting)
Dragomir Stanojević (Acting)
12 April 2007
28 October 2003
26 May 2014
9 February 2014
13 May 2021
12 September 2023
22 October 1920
4 February 2014
23 March 2010
10 April 2022
12 January 2006
5 December 2011
24 March 2005
13 September 2011
9 December 1941
1 September 1989
23 June 2022
2 January 1911
14 September 1977
8 October 2022
12 March 1970