Two sailors dock in London in search of a good time. But when one of them fatally stabs a man during a scuffle in a bar, the pair flee the scene, commandeer a boat and take the three women on board hostage as they try to outrun the law.
Googie Withers (Acting)
John McCallum (Acting)
Bill Kerr (Acting)
Joan Hickson (Acting)
Hugh Pryse (Acting)
Alexander Gauge (Acting)
Ewan Roberts (Acting)
Basil Dignam (Acting)
Ingeborg von Kusserow (Acting)
Cameron Hall (Acting)
George Rose (Acting)
Carl Jaffe (Acting)
Jim Brady (Acting)
1 January 2017
10 April 2022
3 February 2023
19 September 2020
9 February 2023
13 April 1986
16 November 2010
17 June 2007
7 February 2010
3 August 1996
12 December 2017
16 October 2015
19 August 2021
18 May 2014
15 August 2023
28 August 2011
28 July 2023
30 September 1975
21 July 2011
1 May 1956