A long-dormant blood feud between two families reignites when Lucas -- a bright, college-bound young man tries to escape a violent rural town but is first forced to avenge his father's death at the hands of the vicious local crime boss.
Beau Knapp (Acting)
Stephen Moyer (Acting)
Ashley Johnson (Acting)
Martin Henderson (Acting)
Morgan Lily (Acting)
Jessica Rothe (Acting)
Kevin Alejandro (Acting)
Kathleen Rose Perkins (Acting)
Trevor Jackson (Acting)
Nick Eversman (Acting)
Marcella Lentz-Pope (Acting)
J. Michael Trautmann (Acting)
Rogelio Douglas Jr. (Acting)
Casey J. Adler (Acting)
Kale Clauson (Acting)
Mary Elizabeth Boylan (Acting)
31 January 2018
16 November 2016
2 October 2017
25 April 2018
15 December 1995
28 June 2019
3 May 2019
8 March 2018
1 May 2002
26 October 2015
23 June 2012
15 June 2017
27 April 2016
30 April 2008
25 June 2015
1 May 2007
21 April 2011
13 December 2007
3 April 2018
15 May 2014
24 March 2018