Nathan and Dexy struggle to maintain an open marriage after a zombie plague has killed the majority of the population. It's up to Nathan to find survivors to pleasure his wife and hot zombies to satisfy his own lust.
Kurly Tlapoyawa (Acting)
Billy Garberina (Acting)
Kristin Hansen (Acting)
Liza Johnson (Directing)
1 July 1993
9 October 2019
14 January 1993
29 June 1972
19 January 2017
28 February 2018
7 July 1965
25 February 2011
17 January 2019
13 February 2019
16 October 2012
10 September 2016
19 December 1965
25 December 2006
19 May 1973
10 October 2014
22 November 1985
3 June 2014
18 April 2018
7 March 2002
31 May 2005