The thin line between happiness and disaster: Jakob cancels a business trip to New York City because he finds out his ex-girlfriend is coming to a party in Berlin on that day: 9/11/2001. His friend Hans goes to the US instead.
Julia Jentsch (Acting)
Sebastian Zimmler (Acting)
Bibiana Beglau (Acting)
Gina Bellman (Acting)
Raffiella Chapman (Acting)
Ronald Pickup (Acting)
Guy Burnet (Acting)
Ole Lagerpusch (Acting)
Aljoscha Stadelmann (Acting)
13 April 2018
23 September 1994
5 November 2014
30 May 2019
19 December 1971
24 February 2017
14 March 1972
22 November 2000
1 December 2017
19 July 2017
8 March 1996
3 October 2018
25 June 1982
19 November 1975
17 July 2009
4 October 2006
1 June 2016
14 December 2001
14 January 2016
2 August 2001
25 June 2016