Heaven Can Wait scenario; a young woman dies forty years ahead of schedule because her guardian angel made a mistake... so the divine powers that be put her back on earth in a new body.
Silvia Pinal (Acting)
Manolo Fábregas (Acting)
Prudencia Grifell (Acting)
José Gálvez (Acting)
Julio Villarreal (Acting)
Mauricio Garcés (Acting)
Alfredo Varela (Acting)
Gloria Mestre (Acting)
Lupe Carriles (Acting)
10 February 2011
10 June 2020
23 April 2016
23 May 1984
2 August 2001
11 December 1997
8 June 2003
19 September 1951
10 October 2012
4 May 1966
17 December 1972
30 November 1898
15 September 1962
6 June 2022
10 December 2001
31 July 1987
10 August 2004
1 April 1958