Demon hunter Jebediah Huntley teams up with an FBI agent to battle a supernatural force in the southern state of Mississippi.
Dolph Lundgren (Acting)
James Chalke (Acting)
Kristina Klebe (Acting)
Billy Slaughter (Acting)
Miles Doleac (Acting)
Elissa Dowling (Acting)
Michael Aaron Milligan (Acting)
Michelle West (Acting)
Jasi Cotton Lanier (Crew)
Aaron McPherson (Acting)
Sam Furman (Acting)
Emily Brobst (Crew)
Tony Bentley (Acting)
Chaton Anderson (Acting)
Tony Messenger (Acting)
Chloe Guidry (Acting)
Ryan Zweers (Acting)
Laura Warner (Acting)
Jeff Dylan Graham (Acting)
Randy Austin (Acting)
Toby Bronson (Costume & Make-Up)
Emma Frances Burge (Acting)
Kristine Samuelson (Directing)
Bryan Zampella (Acting)
Milorad Djomlija (Acting)
Jered Meeks (Acting)
Thomas Owen (Acting)
Todd Farmer (Writing)
16 February 1922
6 September 2017
11 January 2019
16 October 2020
4 September 2019
8 October 2020
29 October 2010
12 April 2012
12 March 1987
21 September 1984
9 June 1988
3 December 2010
4 March 2022
25 August 1995
21 April 1987
19 September 1997
5 June 1991
20 July 2015
6 November 2015
5 April 2019
27 August 2016