A Partisan unit goes into battle with the enemy twice stronger, somehow resists detachment to attack deep into the night, where the fraud are captured combatants from all units and thrown to the terrible torture and eventually murder.
Žarko Radić (Acting)
Miha Baloh (Acting)
Antun Nalis (Acting)
Fabijan Šovagović (Acting)
Štefka Drolc (Acting)
Helena Buljan (Acting)
Marko Nikolić (Acting)
Miralem Zupčević (Acting)
25 March 1985
3 March 2023
16 June 2023
8 October 2014
4 January 2010
16 November 2015
24 October 1975
1 September 2021
17 May 2006
23 November 2020
14 June 2005
25 March 2014
21 February 2021
17 November 2023
6 November 1969
22 April 2014
1 October 1974
7 March 1984
27 July 1962
9 September 1997
1 January 1972