After reuniting with his mother in Ho Chi Minh City, a family tragedy causes Binh to flee from Viet Nam to America. Landing in New York, Binh begins a road trip to Texas, where his American father is said to live.
Nick Nolte (Acting)
Tim Roth (Acting)
Bai Ling (Acting)
Temuera Morrison (Acting)
Chapman To Man-Chat (Acting)
Kirk Griffith (Acting)
Arthur J. Nascarella (Acting)
13 September 1986
18 November 2016
2 July 2019
16 June 2006
10 October 2014
10 September 1994
3 July 2019
14 May 2014
23 September 1994
9 February 2016
28 September 2019
23 June 1994
30 July 2014
5 November 2014
7 September 2016
22 December 1966
17 October 2006
19 July 2023
24 February 2017
14 February 2010
13 March 2004