An ophthalmologist's assistant with an unhealthy interest in human eyeballs goes on a killing spree to collect eyeballs for his overbearing mother's collection. Reality soon takes a bizarre turn, both for the characters and the audience.
Zelda Rubinstein (Acting)
Michael Lerner (Acting)
Isabel García Lorca (Acting)
Vicente Gil (Acting)
Craig Hill (Acting)
Benito Pocino (Acting)
Jaume Figueras (Acting)
29 March 1987
10 October 1988
25 August 1988
16 July 1998
20 October 1978
26 December 1980
6 March 1990
19 October 1984
3 May 2018
31 August 1949
25 October 2002
17 December 1999
24 November 2021
20 October 2017
24 September 2004
22 November 1989
4 October 2017
23 September 1994
28 December 2022
1 March 2022
10 November 1987