This Feature documentary is about the lives of Louis Brunke and Vladimir Fissenko who rode on horseback from the southern tip of Argentina to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. It took them five years to cross 14 countries -- and they filmed it all.
22 November 1989
23 October 2008
18 November 2009
3 July 1963
15 June 1990
15 December 2000
5 June 2007
23 May 1984
1 March 2001
16 August 1985
9 August 2002
1 August 2014
15 December 1993
15 September 1999
1 December 1987
27 December 1991
27 December 1997
19 January 1996
2 June 2005
18 May 1987
15 April 2007