After Santa tells Michael Bolton that he needs 75,000 new babies by Christmas to meet toy supply, he hosts a sexy telethon to get the world to start making love.
Michael Bolton (Acting)
Adam Scott (Acting)
Sarah Shahi (Acting)
Matthew Kimbrough (Acting)
Sarah Silverman (Acting)
Jorma Taccone (Acting)
Maya Rudolph (Acting)
Fred Armisen (Acting)
Randall Park (Acting)
Chris Parnell (Acting)
Casey Wilson (Acting)
Eric André (Acting)
Akiva Schaffer (Directing)
Brooke Shields (Acting)
Bob Saget (Acting)
Janeane Garofalo (Acting)
Sinbad (Acting)
Louie Anderson (Acting)
Andy Samberg (Acting)
Kenny G (Acting)
Colton Dunn (Acting)
Michael Sheen (Acting)
Baron Vaughn (Acting)
Maya Erskine (Acting)
Mary Holland (Acting)
Will Forte (Acting)
Scott Aukerman (Acting)
Nicole Byer (Acting)
Tim Robinson (Acting)
Luka Jones (Acting)
Andy Richter (Acting)
20 September 2019
7 October 2016
7 April 2017
26 March 2020
25 October 2002
18 December 1969
24 March 2011
11 July 2016
28 February 2017
30 May 2019
1 October 2014
16 November 2001
24 February 2017
19 January 2017
18 December 2013
24 September 2020
15 November 2017
13 February 2018
3 April 2018
6 September 2017
7 February 2017