At the top of their career, Eric & Quentin are doing a terrible bad buzz that threatens to wipe out their reputation. To save their skin, they have only one solution: to realize a good buzz in less than 48 hours!
Eric Metzger (Acting)
Quentin Margot (Acting)
Razane Jammal (Acting)
Marie-Anne Chazel (Acting)
Olivier Broche (Acting)
Caroline Anglade (Acting)
Bérengère Krief (Acting)
Franz Lang (Acting)
16 June 2017
20 September 2017
23 June 1994
15 May 2002
28 February 2017
9 February 2016
5 October 2001
10 April 1957
1 October 2019
8 May 2014
17 October 2006
8 March 1996
6 September 2017
15 December 1993
14 May 2014
25 May 1979
19 May 2004
31 March 1999
2 August 2009
17 December 2004
21 June 2017