The Doctor and Jo find themselves trapped inside an alien peepshow machine which showman Vorg and his assistant Shirna have brought to amuse the populace of the planet Inter Minor. Can they escape Vorg and the ferocious Drashigs?
Jon Pertwee (Acting)
Katy Manning (Acting)
Leslie Dwyer (Acting)
Cheryl Hall (Acting)
Tenniel Evans (Acting)
Ian Marter (Acting)
Peter Halliday (Acting)
Michael Wisher (Acting)
1 April 1972
17 December 1977
27 September 2010
1 January 2013
25 February 2011
26 November 1964
21 May 2021
1 January 2000
30 August 2011
30 November 2016
1 June 2021
10 October 1974
25 November 1996
12 December 2009
31 December 1999
29 September 1941
13 March 1968
17 February 1973