The Doctor and a newly-regenerated Romana arrive on Skaro to find that the Daleks, locked in a war with the robotic Movellans, have returned to retrieve their buried creator Davros.
Tom Baker (Acting)
Lalla Ward (Acting)
David Gooderson (Acting)
Roy Skelton (Acting)
Tim Barlow (Acting)
Peter Straker (Acting)
Suzanne Danielle (Acting)
Tony Osoba (Acting)
David Yip (Acting)
30 March 1985
2 April 1977
3 February 1984
24 July 1965
24 September 1977
18 November 1978
21 February 1981
8 June 1974
21 July 2009
17 December 1977
9 March 1968
16 December 1978
21 October 1978
12 January 1985
9 February 1985
6 December 1986
15 February 1964
8 June 2013
10 May 1975
26 January 1983
22 September 1979