Sinbad returns from the sea to find his country subjected to the will of two unscrupulous sorcerers.
Lou Ferrigno (Acting)
John Steiner (Acting)
Roland Wybenga (Acting)
Ennio Girolami (Acting)
Hal Yamanouchi (Acting)
Yehuda Efroni (Acting)
Alessandra Martines (Acting)
Teagan Clive (Acting)
Leo Gullotta (Acting)
Stefania Girolami Goodwin (Acting)
Donald Hodson (Acting)
Cork Hubbert (Acting)
Romano Puppo (Acting)
Daria Nicolodi (Acting)
Ted Rusoff (Acting)
Massimo Vanni (Acting)
14 January 2008
17 December 2003
18 December 2001
9 July 2003
22 May 1992
7 March 2007
15 July 2010
17 January 2018
25 May 1977
25 May 2004
6 March 1998
14 February 1991
7 September 2012
26 November 2010
28 May 1958
23 June 1994
7 December 1990
25 June 1982
1 October 2019
18 December 2002
1 April 1989