After visiting an amusement park, the Bratz babies encounter a potato-like alien species and accidentally obtain superpowers.
Britt McKillip (Acting)
Britt Irvin (Acting)
Dorla Bell (Acting)
Maryke Hendrikse (Acting)
Cathy Weseluck (Acting)
Jan Rabson (Acting)
Jay Brazeau (Acting)
Sam Vincent (Acting)
Betty Phillips (Acting)
Garry Chalk (Acting)
Jason Michas (Acting)
Lisa Ann Beley (Acting)
Alistair Abell (Acting)
Ian James Corlett (Acting)
8 January 2005
22 June 2008
2 December 2012
16 July 2021
20 November 2020
10 August 2007
8 March 1997
9 December 2017
12 August 2016
1 February 2017
1 April 1996
24 September 2012
22 July 2011
1 January 2003
24 November 1993
19 February 2009
1 February 2014
21 September 1983
6 September 2005
10 November 1990
9 October 2007